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2018年10月25日 15:03  点击:[]




研究领域包括心肌肥大、细胞凋亡、基因编辑技术与心脏细胞生物学,以及miRNA、lncRNA等非编码RNA功能的研究,研究成果发表在心血管领域的国际高水平期刊杂志Circulation Research、Cell death and differentiation、International Journal of Cardiology、Cell Death & Disease、Protein & Cell、Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA。

现主持国家自然科学青年基金1项,山东省自然科学基金优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金重大国际合作课题等科研项目5项。发表SCI收录论文14篇,其中以第一作者(含共同第一作者)在Circulation Research(影响因子11.551)等杂志发表SCI论文3篇;获得国家发明专利1项。获2011年中华医学科技奖二等奖。







1) Wang K#, An T#,Zhou LY#, Liu CY#, Zhang XJ, Feng C, Li PF*. E2F1-regulated miR-30b suppresses cyclophilin d and protects heart from ischemia/reperfusion injury and necrotic cell death.Cell death and differentiation. 2015;22:743-754(#These authors contributed equally)(IF=8.218)

2) Wang K#, Liu F#,Zhou LY#, Long B, Yuan SM, Wang Y, Liu CY, Sun T, Zhang XJ, Li PF*.The Long Noncoding RNA CHRF Regulates Cardiac Hypertrophy by Targeting miR-489.Circulation research. 2014;114(9):1377-1388(#These authors contributed equally)(IF=11.551)

3) Zhou LY, Liu JP, Wang K, Gao J, Ding SL, Jiao JQ, Li PF*. Mitochondrial function in cardiac hypertrophy.International Journal of Cardiology. 2013;167(4):1118-1125(IF=4.638)

4) Ding SL#,Zhou LY#, Li PF*. MicroRNAs in cardiac hypertrophy: Angels or devils.Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA. 2011;2(1):124-134(#These authors contributed equally)(IF= 4.519)

5) Wang K#, Liu CY#, Zhang XJ#, Feng C#,Zhou LY,Zhao Y*, Li PF*. Mir-361-regulated prohibitin inhibits mitochondrial fission and apoptosis and protects heart from ischemia injury.Cell death and differentiation. 2015;22:1058-1068(#These authors contributed equally)(IF=8.218)

6) Wang K, Long B,Zhou LY, Liu F, Zhou QY, Liu CY, Fan YY, Li PF*. CARL lncRNA inhibits anoxia-induced mitochondrial fission and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes by impairing mir-539-dependent phb2 downregulation.Nature Communications. 2014;5:3596(IF=11.329)

7) Long B#, Ding SL#, Liu F,Zhou LY, An T, Stefan D, Wang K*, Li PF*. Autophagic program is regulated by miR-325.Cell death and differentiation. 2014;21(6):967-77(#These authors contributed equally)(IF=8.218)

8) Wang K#, Sun T#, Li N#, Wang Y#, Wang JX,Zhou LY, Long B, Liu CY, Liu F, Li PF*. Mdrl lncrna regulates the processing of mir-484 primary transcript by targeting mir-361.PLoS genetics. 2014;10(7):e1004467(#These authors contributed equally)(IF=6.661)

9) Li M, Xia P, Du Y, Liu S, Huang G, Chen J, Zhang H, Hou N, Cheng X,Zhou LY, Li PF, Yang X*, Fan ZS*. T-cell immunoglobulin and itim domain (tigit) receptor/poliovirus receptor (pvr) ligand engagement suppresses interferon-gamma production of natural killer cells via beta-arrestin 2-mediated negative signaling.The Journal of biological chemistry. 2014;289(25):17647-17657(IF=4.258)

10) Wang K, Liu F,Zhou LY, Ding SL, Long B, Liu CY, Sun T, Fan YY, Sun L, Li PF*. MiR-874 regulates myocardial necrosis by targeting caspase-8.Cell death & disease. 2013;4:e709(IF=5.378)






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