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Congratulations on the establishment of the Molecular Genetics Center of our Institute!

In June 2017, the Molecular Genetics Center was officially established at the Institute for Translational Medicine at Qingdao University. The Center will apply genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, genomics, functional genomics, high-throughput sequencing, and bioinformatics methods to investigate the genetic and epigenetic characteristics of cancer, aging, and metabolic cardiac diseases. The Center has an Illumina Nextseq second-generation sequencing machine and a third-generation sequencing PacBio instrument, which provide fast and accurate high-throughput sequencing and post sequencing data analysis services. Through the analysis and interpretations of genomic and epigenetic information on different populations in local regions, the Center will promote the rapid development of personalized medicine.

系列 NGS测序十年记 后起之秀PacBio

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